Join JBF’s Collectibles Community

Create an account now and instantly get 100 points!

Plus, unlock even more rewards by sharing personal details like your birthday and ALWAYS enjoy an exclusive 5% discount on all NEW LEGO® & Revell sets!

We’ve created a special way to show our appreciation for your passion and loyalty! As a member of JBF’s Collectibles Community, you’ll unlock exclusive privileges and start earning Loyalty Points on your favourite LEGO® sets, brick- and model building kits, and model trains. Redeem your points for exciting collectibles and rare finds to expand your collection.

Join our Loyalty Programme today and build your way to exclusive rewards!

How does it work?




Earn Loyalty Points

Create an account

100 points

Make a purchase

1 point for 1 Euro spent

Follow us on Facebook

100 points

Follow us on Instagram

100 points

Share personal details like your birthday

and ALWAYS enjoy an exclusive 5% discount on all NEW LEGO® & Revell sets!

Redeem Your Loyalty Points

Redeem your points

100 points = €1  discount

You can redeem your Loyalty Points by converting them into discount coupons on your account page under “My Rewards / Coupons”. After adding your favourite product(s) to your basket, you can add your coupon code. Make sure you are logged into your account.

Join now!

Get exclusive perks by becoming a member of JBF’s Collectibles Community.

Create an account now and instantly get 100 points!

Plus, unlock even more rewards by sharing personal details like your birthday and ALWAYS enjoy an exclusive 5% discount on all NEW LEGO® & Revell sets! Don’t miss out on these and other exciting perks with your loyalty membership!

Questions about our Loyalty Programme?

Discover new collectibles weekly!